Gábor Kósa

Associate Professor
Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
Research Interests: Religious history of ancient and medieval China, especially "shamanism" and Manichaeism

GÁBOR KÓSA is an associate professor at the Institute of East Asia Studies, Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE University), Budapest, and at present is the member of the MTA–ELTE–SZTE Silk Road Research Group at ELTE University. He graduated from the Department of Chinese Studies at ELTE, Budapest, where he earned his PhD in 2006. His major research interests include Chinese mythology (especially cosmogonic myths), ancient Chinese shamanic-like practices (ʻwuism’), and Chinese Manichaeism. He has published 45 papers on the last topic in English, Hungarian and Japanese, recently concentrating on the newly identified textual and visual remains.

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